There’s no shortage of tech information out there, if you’re forgiving with how you define “information”. There’s no shortage of tech news, analysis, and insight…if you’re similarly forgiving. We want to be different, to eliminate those “if” qualifications.
To us, “news” isn’t just stuff that’s not been said exactly the same way before, or something a company wants to promote. It’s something important, something that represents a real new risk or opportunity, something a decision-maker wants and needs to hear.
To us, “information” isn’t just purported facts, it’s real facts, truths. What you see on this site, and what you see in articles we do for publications, whether in industry tech pubs or on company websites, is not just something we believe to be true, though that’s important to us. It’s something we’ve worked hard to understand, and to get to the truth on. Fact-finding, truth-finding, is something we always do.
A key to our fact-gathering is our connection with buyers. We have a special contact email for use by buyers of network and IT products and services, and this can be used to ask questions and comment on our blogs and insights. The exchanges are completely confidential, we’ll never solicit those who use it for services, never use their names or company affiliations. This unique channel to users augments our normal relationships with users, and provides us with a strong base of real-world insight into what’s really going on, what really matters. See “Users Only” for details, and our Contact Us page for the email address.
Our Principal Analyst is Tom Nolle, long-time tech analyst. Tom is a software architect and programmer by background, and has run development teams that were on the leading edge of networking and application design. He’s had a long history in data communications and telecommunications, including participation in international standards groups and open-source projects. Tom regularly interacts with vendors, users, and service providers, and if you’re a user of technology and want to offer comments and views, he’d be happy to hear from you. See our Contact Us page for details.
Speaking of contacts, we need to make something very clear. Nobody outside Andover Intel writes a word of what we say, other than quotes we use. We will never accept third-party articles or contributions. We also do not accept article ideas. You’re wasting your time and ours if you send us things like that, and if you waste our time we’ll embargo you and block your emails. If you’re a vendor and you want to send us press releases, please follow the Contact Us procedures.
We do not use AI to write or to edit our work. We have consulted online generative AI sources for research, but we’ve not found them to be accurate enough to base writing on. We continue to experiment internally to develop AI skills and assess AI value, however.
While we’re on the topic of contacting us, there are some important “Do not’s” that we want to cover. First, do not send us requests for meetings or calls, because we won’t do them except for clients. Second, do not send us material to publish or topic suggestions, because we won’t use them. Third, don’t misuse our “Contact Us” procedures.