Virtual networking or Network-as-a-service (NaaS) makes connectivity easier, but it complicates automation of lifecycle processes. The problem is that when “services” are created on top of connectivity rather than through the same devices that provide connectivity, you lose some insight into service behavior. You also lose pretty much all of the traditional ways of doing…
Taking a Model-Side View of Ops Automation
Earlier this week I blogged about virtualization and infrastructure abstraction. I left the modeling aspect of that to the end because of my intentional focus on the abstraction side. Now I’d like to look at the same problem of virtualization from the modeling side, so see where we end up and whether conclusions from that…
What’s Behind the Smartphone Woes?
We all know by now that both Apple and Samsung, giants in the smartphone space, have issued sales warnings. What we don’t all know, and what in fact none of us really knows, is what this means to networking both at the service and the infrastructure level. Smartphones are arguably the most significant single devices…
It All Comes Down to Resources
I blogged yesterday that virtualization was the key to operations automation, which in turn is the key to the future, the thing we needed to look for in 2019. The central vision in cloud and virtualization is that of a resource pool. With resource pools, the trick is to make them as inclusive in terms…
2019: It’s About Facing Reality
How different is January first from December thirty-first? Not much in most ways, and of course it’s after January first now, but it’s still true that businesses think in terms of quarters and years, and so it’s fair to look ahead at our annual transition point to see what important things are coming down the…
Happy Holidays!
I want to wish all you who have read my blog, occasionally or faithfully, for their efforts, and wish you all a Happy Holiday season and an exciting and prosperous New Year! Email and RSS:
Will 5G Really Open New Revenue Opportunities?
Just when you express hope that the network industry can shed the past, somebody demonstrates it won’t be easy. An interview in Light Reading with Amdocs CTO Anthony Goonetilleke proposes that one of the unsung benefits of 5G is that it will enable operators to charge for services rather than for data. Is this really…
More Signals on the Cloud-Native Model
The widely reported VMware acquisition of Heptio raises a lot of very interesting points about cloud computing, application development, and the newly competitive world of platform software. It even has implications for the network operators and vendors in that space. Finally, the scope of change the announcement is part of shows that the ecosystemic vision…
Tracking Channel Shifts in the SD-WAN Space
I’m not surprised that the SD-WAN space is shifting, but I’m a bit surprised at how fast the shift is happening. I’m very surprised that the implications of the shift are being missed by so many, including most of the SD-WAN vendors themselves. The force most likely to bring a focus to the market is…
Lessons from Verizon’s Write-Down of AOL and Yahoo
Verizon has admitted that its purchases of Yahoo and AOL have resulted in…nothing much. The company is taking a massive $4.6 billion write-down on its Oath media unit, the repository for its AOL and Yahoo units, admitting that the residual value is only $200 million. The decline is largely the drop in brand (in financial…