You have to love the notion that we have “universal CPE” that somehow seems designed to serve one mission. The great majority of uCPE products seem directed at the NFV-related “virtual CPE” or vCPE goal of having a box on premises that can be remotely augmented with endpoint features like firewall, encryption, and perhaps SD-WAN. …
Some Sayings That Sum Up the Industry
I tend to use colorful phrases and examples in my work, because it makes important points easier to communicate and remember. A couple of long-time clients recently and coincidentally sent me emails with some of the things they remember from our sessions. Since they bear on the state of the industry today and are still…
Can the White-Box Server Players Find the Right Platform Software?
I blogged last week about the white-box revolution and “platform compatibility” for white-box servers. Since I had a number of interesting emails from operators (and vendors) on the blog, I wanted to use this blog to expand on the whole issue of platforms for white boxes, and on what “compatibility”, openness, and other attributes of…
White Boxes: What, Where, and How Much?
One of the most important questions in network-building today is the role “white-box” technology will play. It’s a fundamental precept of operators and even many enterprises that they’re being gouged and locked in by network vendors. The obvious solution is to adopt an “open” technology, meaning something that doesn’t include proprietary elements and is subject…
Reading The Tea Leaves of Cisco’s “Think Differently About Networks” Comments
Cisco has been a powerhouse in networking for decades, so when CEO Robbins says something at a big Cisco event, you have to pay attention. Most of the Cisco Live event seemed to focus on partnerships and opening of APIs for its Digital Network Architecture and intent-based networking initiatives, but there was a parallel move…
Market Evolution: The “Stages” of SD-WAN
You probably know all about the stages of grief, or the stages of project post-mortem examinations. How about the stages of SD-WAN? The fact is that SD-WAN is undergoing a series of parallel revolutions, and the way they interact will shape both the opportunity and the competitive landscape, at both the product and service levels….
Why ETSI’s New Zero-Touch Automation is in Trouble
It seems like zero-touch automation (ZTA) is everyone’s goal but also that it’s mired in the usual standards-group molasses. The recent announcement that the first use case would be 5G network slicing, and the bias of the process toward earlier work on NFV, seem to combine to set the wrong goal and the wrong approach. …
Why We Should Be Augmenting Augmented Reality
Everyone has heard of augmented reality, and it’s often mentioned as a driver for everything from 5G to new phone technology. There’s no question that it could create a whole new relationship between us (as workers and consumers) and our technology, but the space is a lot more complicated than just putting on some kind…
Do We Finally Have an Open and Realistic IoT Model?
Most of you know I think IoT is overhyped, with the popular vision being a whole bunch of new sensors put on the Internet for people to exploit, misuse, or hack, depending on their predisposition. The real IoT opportunity has to face two realities. First, most sensors will never be on the Internet directly; they’ll…
The MEF 3.0 Framework: Good at the Wrong Level?
The MEF has been doing a kind of reboot, transitioning to something other than pure carrier Ethernet. One effort, the “Third Network” apparently confused a lot of people (what, they wondered, were the first two), and so the current efforts are titled more conventionally, as MEF 3.0. It’s more explicit about its vision, and in…