Service modeling has been a recurring topic for my blogs, in part because of its critical importance in what I’ve called “service lifecycle automation” and the industry now calls “zero-touch automation”. Another reason it’s recurring is that I keep getting requests from people to cover another angle of the topic. The most recent one relates…
Can the TMF Retake the Lead in Zero-Touch Automation?
On the ever-popular topic of zero-touch automation, Light Reading has an interesting piece that opens what might well be the big question of the whole topic—“What about the TMF?” The TMF is the baseline reference for OSS/BSS, a body that at least the CIO portions of operator organizations tend to trust. The TMF has also…
What Operator Projects in Operations Automation Show Us
In my last blog, I talked about the need to plan strategically and implement tactically. The logic behind that recommendation is that it’s all too easy to take short-term measures you think will lead somewhere, and then go nowhere beyond the short term. Looking at operators’ actions in 2017 and their plans in 2018, I…
If We’re in the Software Defined Age, How Do We Define the Software?
We are not through the first earnings season of the year, the first after the new tax law passed, but we are far enough into it to be able to see the outlines of technology trends in 2018. Things could be a lot worse, the summary might go, but they could also still get worse. …
How Events Evolve Us to “Fabric Computing”
If you read this blog regularly you know I believe the future of IT lies in event processing. In my last blog, I explained what was happening and how the future of cloud computing, edge computing, and IT overall is tied to events. Event-driven software is the next logical progression in an IT evolution I’ve…
Clouds, Edges, Fog, and Deep and Shallow Events
What is an “edge” and what is a “cloud”? Those questions might have seemed surpassingly dumb even a year ago, but today we’re seeing growing confusion on the topic of future computing and the reason comes down to this pair of questions. As usual, there’s a fair measure of hype involved in the debate, but…
So, Will Nationalized 5G Save Us?
5G may be the darling of the networking media, but it has profound technical and economic issues. The standards aren’t yet done, there are questions about how some of the proposed features would be implemented, and there’s the overriding question of whether there will be sufficient return on investment for operators. Those complications are daunting,…
Software Architecture and Implementation in Zero-Touch Automation
I know that I’ve saved the hardest of the zero-touch issues for last. The technical or software architecture almost has to be considered at the end, because you can’t talk about it without framing scope and functionality. Those who read my last blog know that I touched on technical issues with the comment that a…
Why the Functional Model of a Zero-Touch Solution is important
Scope of impact is critical for the success of zero-touch automation, whether we’re talking about the general case of managing application/service lifecycles or the specific case of supporting network operator transformation. There’s a lot of stuff to be done in deploying and sustaining something useful, and the more pieces there are involved the more expensive…
How Do We Ensure that Zero-Touch Automation Actually Touches Enough?
The more you, do the more it helps…and costs. That’s the challenge of scope for zero-touch automation in a nutshell. The challenge is especially acute when you consider that the term itself could be applied in many ways. What exactly are we zero-touch automating? It’s that question, the question of scope, that determines the impact…