No matter how stupid a notion is, it’s never too stupid to be hyped. The corollary point is that proof, even successive waves of further proof, of a notion’s stupidity won’t drive the hype away. We’re seeing proof of that with the recent DDoS attack, launched from what would be called IoT. You all know…
What Tech Companies and Tech Alliances Tell Us About Tech’s Future
In the last couple weeks, we’ve heard from three tech companies who could define how IT is done. Ericsson represents the service-centric view of transformation, though in the network space. HPE represents the agile side of the IT incumbent picture, and IBM the entrenched (some would say, ossified) side. It’s worth looking at the picture…
Will the AT&T/TW Deal Offer Operators Another Pathway to Profit?
The deal between AT&T and Time Warner hasn’t yet to be approved but it seems pretty likely to happen. In any event, just the attempt is big news for the industry. Many see this as a new age for media companies, but there are many questions of whether a conglomerate like this is the answer…
Applying Google’s Service Orchestration Lessons to NFV
When I blogged about the Google federated layers model I had a request from a LinkedIn contact to blog about applying the approach to NFV. I said I’d blog more on the topic next week, but it’s important enough to slot in for today. It is indeed possible to view NFV’s coordinated orchestration or decomposition…
Google’s Cloud Network as a Model of Federation
I have already blogged on aspects of Google Andromeda and a network-centric vision of the cloud. SDxCentral did an article on Google’s overall vision, based on a presentation Google gave at SDN World Congress, and I think the vision merits some additional review. One of the key points in the Google approach is that it…
Are We Entering a New Phase of the “Cloud Wars?”
The truth will out they say, and that includes truth about the cloud. According to a report in Business Insider, both Google and Amazon are now looking at their own premises cloud strategies, an acknowledgement that Microsoft and IBM may be onto something in just how far public cloud services can go. And, perhaps most…
Divergence of Operator Visions of NFV Show Inadequacies in Our Approach
Transformation of a trillion-dollar infrastructure base isn’t going to be easy, and that’s what network operators are facing. Some don’t think it’s even possible, and a Light Reading story outlines Telecom Italia’s thinking on the matter. We seem to be hearing other viewpoints from other operators, so what’s really going on here? There’s always been…
Getting the Range on 5G Evolution
I am just as excited about the potential of 5G as anyone, but I’m also a little worried that we might fall prey to some of the same issues that have hurt SDN, NFV, and IoT. We have a lot of time to get this done right, but we do have to be sure to…
Getting Beyond NFV Problem Recognition
The state of technologies like SDN and NFV is important, but it seems we can get to it only in little snippets or sound bites. A couple of recent ones spoken at conferences come to mind. First, AT&T commented that they wanted VNFs to be like “Legos” and not “snowflakes”, and then we had a…
Ericsson’s Challenge: How They Got it Wrong, and How They’ll Need to Fix It
Everyone by now knows that Ericsson has issued a profit warning, and that many analysts and reporters are wondering whether Ericsson can survive in the long term. I think it’s premature to call Ericsson a member of the walking dead, or even seriously wounded, but I also think that it might be helpful to look…