The news that Google has joined the CORD (“Central Office Re-Architected as a Data Center”) project, and that the project is now independent under the Linux foundation, is good news for next-gen networks. I’ve always thought CORD was important because it describes what operators would face in an infrastructure transformation—a massive shift in data center…
How Huawei’s Growth Highlights an Industry Challenge
Huawei is certainly on a roll. It reported revenues up 40% in the latest quarter, up from a 30% gain the quarter before, and that’s certainly the best in the whole industry. At a time when rival Ericsson is shedding its CEO and rivals Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia are merging for efficiency, Huawei seems to be…
Can Verizon Make a Yahoo Deal Work?
Just a little short of a decade ago I opened a connection with Yahoo at the request of a group of big Tier Ones. They wanted to create a cooperation between Yahoo and operators to fend off the issues of OTT competition by essentially joining the enemy camp. Jerry Yang was running Yahoo at the…
A TOSCA-and-Intent-Model Approach Could Save Software Automation of Operations
Chris Lauwers is one of the thought leaders on the TOSCA standard, and he has a nice blog on the way that TOSCA might fill the role of defining intent models. I’ve advocated the use of TOSCA and also the use of intent models in both SDN and NFV, and so I want to look…
What’s Missing in Operator SDN/NFV Visions?
The news that AT&T and Orange are cooperating to create an open SDN and NFV environment is only the latest in a series of operator activities aimed at moving next-gen networks forward. These add up to a serious changing-of-the-guard in a lot of ways, and so they’re critically important to the network industry…if they can…
Looking Ahead to the Operators’ Big Fall Technology Planning Cycle
Every year in the middle of September operators launch a technology planning cycle. By mid-November it’s done, and the conclusions reached in the interim have framed the spending and business plans for the operators in the coming year. We’re about two months from the start of the cycle, and it’s at this point that vendors…
IBM, VMware, the Cloud, and IT Trends
IBM and VMware both reported their numbers and the results look like a win for the cloud. The question remains whether a win for the cloud translates into a win for vendors and for IT overall, though. Neither of the two companies really made a compelling case for a bright future, and when you combine…
A Compromise Model of IoT Might Be Our Best Shot
One of the problems with hype is that it distorts the very market it’s trying to promote, and that is surely the case with the Internet of Things. The notion of a bunch of open sensors deployed on the Internet and somehow compliant with security/privacy requirements is silly. But we’re seeing announcements now that reflect…
Tapping the Potential for Agile, Virtual, Network and Cloud Topologies
You always hear about service agility as an NFV goal these days. Part of the reason is what might cynically be called “a flight from proof”; the other benefits touted for NFV have proven to be difficult to validate or to size. Cynicism notwithstanding, there are valid reasons to think that agility at the service…
Can Cisco Succeed with an SDN-and-NFV-less Transformation Model?
Cisco has always been known for aggressive sales strategies and cynical positioning ploys. Remember the day of the “five phase plan” that was always in Phase Two when it was announced (and that never got to Phase Five)? When SDN and NFV came along, Cisco seemed to be the champion of VINO, meaning “virtualization in…