There is no love for 5G at this point, at least no realistic love; that much is clear. That doesn’t mean that the investment wasn’t necessary, but it’s not meaningless either. Thus, what we need to do now is extract the real meaning, and attempt to map out what needs to be done. To do…
Broadcom and VMware: An Early Reading
The Broadcom acquisition of VMware was one of the major M&A events of 2023, and anyone who’s read my blogs knows that I think there is an enormous strategic symbiosis in play there. The question has always been whether Broadcom sees that too, and if they do whether they actually care enough to take the…
Do We Have Two Views on AI, or Two AIs to View?
AI is one of the few technologies that get ink both in the technical and popular press. One example of the latter is this piece from NBC News. It’s interesting because it captures so many of the contradictions of AI, and that of course makes it a nice topic to use as a framework for…
The Dance: AT&T, Nokia, Ericsson, and Open RAN
The news that AT&T was dropping Nokia in favor of Ericsson was enough to move both companies’ stocks in opposite but predictable directions. The news that the decision was based on AT&T’s goal of Open RAN, given Nokia’s initial leadership in that space, was perhaps the major surprise. The question now is just what this…
IBM and the Platform Strategy: A Solution to Tech Profit Problems?
Financial presentations, the things that companies give to Wall Street analysts at conferences, can represent a very useful way of gathering insight on companies and markets. Unlike earnings calls, which have to follow a pathway that’s heavily influenced by regulatory oversight, conferences can be free-form and often more revealing of current thinking and future directions….
Is There NetOps Beyond FCAPS?
Progressions are always interesting things to look at. That’s particularly true when they represent a change in thinking about a topic that’s important to both buyers and sellers of technology. It’s perhaps even more true when the progression we’re considering isn’t really recognized, and so its value and future importance isn’t recognized either. That’s the…
Well, Broadcom Closed their VMware Deal. Now What?
The Broadcom deal with VMware has finally closed, which ends one element of confusion swirling around the companies. It doesn’t end all the elements, though. In fact, I think the finalization of the deal raises a lot of questions, not only for Broadcom and VMware, but also for the tech space overall. The big question?…
Assessing the Impact of Increased Reliance on Apps and the Internet
We hear all the time that online experiences are growing in importance to consumers and workers. We hear that we’re all integrating our phones and the stuff that’s delivered through them with our everyday lives. We hear that the line between the real world and the virtual world is getting blurred, and that new developments…
Do We Embrace AI, Fear It, Ignore It, or What?
Let’s face it, AI is a bit of a mess. Even among technologists, AI literacy is down in the bearskin-and-stone-knives level. Buyers don’t understand what aspects of AI technology connect to useful business missions, though they still believe that somehow it could be transformational. The space is tied to supergenius technical types, supergreedy VC types,…
What Cisco Says About Network Spending, Versus What Buyers Tell me
When there are articles coming out that say that network vendors are having not only a bad year but a bad decade, you have to believe something just might be wrong. Of course, it is, and most of Wall Street believes that Cisco’s quarter was a pretty solid indicator of the problems that vendors are…