Just after yesterday’s Overture Networks announcement on an NFV platform, we now hear from Light Reading that Edgewater Networks has launched a project to develop an SDN/NFV position. Today, we also had a revised submission of the CloudNFV Proof-of-Concept to the ETSI NFV ISG. Alcatel-Lucent has been promoting its SDN and NFV position on the…
Overture’s NFV: Who’d have Thought?
Any time somebody makes a networking announcement these days, they seem to enlist a Heavenly Choir to sing “SDN!” or “NFV! In the background. Most of the time, song is about all there is to the announcement. Yesterday, Overture Networks announced something for SDN and NFV without the choir, and in fact may have announced…
Does it Make Sense to Unite Service Logic and Service Management?
I’ve blogged quite a bit about management and orchestration and the management challenges of next-gen services. Connection services are largely defined by their management challenges, since they connect users and experiences rather than creating features themselves. When we look at more advanced services, leading up to the cloud and SaaS, it’s a different matter. For…
Security in the Virtual Age
We live in an age of virtualization, abstraction. We’re facing an onrush of changes in our basic technology platforms driven by the cloud, by SDN, by NFV. We’re told that these new technical options are more, or maybe less, secure. According to my fall survey of users, nearly 90% of businesses said that they felt…
What Amazon and Ericsson Say about the Triple Revolution
We in tech are clearly an industry in transition. How’s it going? That’s a question important to all, and at the same time hard to answer. Our only hope of tracking progress is to look at some companies who represent clear paradigm shifts and see if the paradigms are…well…shifting. Let’s try that today. Amazon reported…
Apple, Neutrality, and the Day-Tripper Phenomenum
“Got a good reason for taking the easy way out” is a good old song, and it’s also a pretty good theme on which to hang the analysis of a couple of news items. Apple had an OK quarter but the financial sector thinks it’s coming to an end of the easy money period. The…
AT&T and Juniper: Consistent Signals of an Uncertain Future
Juniper reported their numbers yesterday, and so did one of Juniper’s key clients, AT&T. Just a day before, AT&T had announced that Juniper (and Amdocs) were added to AT&T’s “User-Defined Network Cloud”. Now, some contrasts between the two companies’ reports create a worthy topic for analysis. When you read through Street analysis on AT&T, it’s…
NFV Openness: Is it Even Possible?
One of the issues I’ve gotten concerned about regarding NFV is the openness of a vendor’s NFV architecture. The NFV ISG clearly intends to have a high level of interoperability across NFV elements and solutions, but there are some factors that are hampering a realization of that goal. Most of these aren’t being discussed, so…
IBM and Intel Show the Cloud is Complicated
We’re starting to get some earnings reports from tech bellwethers now, and so it’s time to take a reading of the space and try to assess how tech might develop through the balance of 2014. We’re still early in the game, particularly for networking, but we do have some insights from the IT hardware side…
Are We Looking at a Context-Driven Mobile Revenue Model?
You have to love a market that, when faced with seemingly insurmountable contradictions in business and technology trends, proceeds to generate new ones unapologetically. We had that yesterday with the story that Sprint was considering shutting down the WIMAX assets of Clearwire, then another story that Google might be aiming to be an MVNO. So…