We seem to be in the heart of a true avalanche of industry events, and that always creates a parallel avalanche of news. There’s always the question of whether a given news item is actually relevant, of course, and I thought it might be helpful to look at optical networking before the action gets underway. …
SDN: Create Buzz or Create Value?
The closing panel of the ONS raised what I think was the most relevant question of all for SDN—how can its value be promoted? It’s a critical question for any technology revolution to answer because without the right answer to it, no revolution will really ever occur. But while the question of value is the…
NFV Implementations: Are We Anywhere Yet?
I promised some of my blog readers that I’d do a deeper dive into the current state of NFV implementations. One of the challenges that poses is defining just what an NFV implementation is, because NFV means different things to different people and because there’s an ungodly amount of NFV hype out there. Another challenge…
A Tale of Seven Layers (More or Less)
One of the things we always hear about during SDN events is the SDN/optical relationship and the topic of “flattening” the network. You’d think that network architects everywhere were out there with mallets, eyeing their infrastructure for possible points of attack. Another thing we hear about is “Level 4/7 networking”, so apparently we’re looking for…
Exploring the Flavors of Federation
SDN is the senior partner in the reformation of the network, and this week’s ONF event makes it certain that SDN will be getting more attention. There’s no question that operators are working hard on applying SDN to address their problems and opportunities, but it should be clear to everyone that SDN is also a…
Who Wins in the New Age of Tech?
Our industry is driven by a lot of almost-hidden forces as well as by the more obvious buyer/seller tension. One of the most significant is the responsibility that a public company has to its shareholders. While we talk all the time about how companies need to “listen to their customers”, the fact is that a…
MWC Plus NFV Equals…Disappointing
The Mobile World Congress event is arguably the most important carrier show, in no small part because mobile services are about the last bastion of profitability for operators globally. This year, we had for the first time quite a bit of NFV stuff presented at the show, and that’s important for the same reason the…
Three Times Three Equals the Future of IT
Most of you probably aren’t old enough to remember the song “Three Little Words” and I won’t bore anyone who’s not interested enough in the source of my blog topic by recounting the lyrics. They don’t apply in any sense to my topic today, other than that I’m proposing three different three-word triads and weaving…
What SDN and NFV SHOULD Do Next
We’ve completed a couple of critical meetings in the NFV space (Team Action Week for the TMF and the regular quarterly ISG meeting) and we’re now facing an ONF event in the SDN space. The NFV ISG has begun discussions on the “what next?” topic since its formal charter was to complete its specification work…
What Should We Do About Comcast/TWC?
The announcement that Comcast wants to buy TWC isn’t a surprise to those in the industry, but it’s still raising a lot of hackles because of fears that it would create a giant who would stomp on other competitors and on consumer rights. The fact that Comcast has been a regular sparring partner with public…