One of the interesting things that emerged from the SDN World Congress was the multiplicity of roles associated with the concept we call “deep packet inspection” or DPI. Like almost everything in tech, DPI is being positioned or proposed in more missions than we have methodologies to support. I had an opportunity to spend quite…
Half Magic?
Progress is always a combination of evolution and revolution, adaptation of the current situation for the next progressive step versus leaping boldly out of line and sprinting to the finish. Revolution provokes change and fright. Evolution provokes comfort and stagnation. Thus, as a practical matter, anything that gets announced could be viewed as either “revolutionary…
Facing the Future…Sort Of
The future is one of those things that always gets ahead of us. Companies today are particularly challenged with futures because financial practices focuses them on quarterly results. Still, while the future may be redefined daily and may be hard to come to terms with, it’s either there for us all or we don’t have…
The Fast Track and the Waterhole
We’re getting some news that suggests that maybe we need to think not more about mobility, but less—in at least one sense. It’s not the mobile user that’s changing things, it’s the migratory user. Mobility means moving, and in terms of devices and services it means stuff directed at someone who is consuming on the…
Guilt by Association and Lockstepism
One of the things I found interesting about the SDN World Congress last week was that it asserted, in effect, that the whole wasn’t the sum of the part but rather than one part was good enough to make it. Anyone who had “network”, “function” or “virtualization” in any form erected the great banner of…
Rust on the Brand
We can call today the “Tale of Two Quarters” because both IBM and Verizon reported this week, and there’s some interesting parallels…and differences. Verizon is showing semi-expected strength and IBM continues to show strategic and semi-unexpected weakness. I’m seeing signs I never thought I’d see, signs of rust on that iconic IBM logo. IBM’s revenues…
To New Beginnings, New Roles, New Issues
Here at SDN World Congress, just a year ago, ten global operators created the framework of NFV with their Call For Action paper, and a new white paper was released here that renews and refines that call. I had the opportunity to read the new paper and to talk with many of those who authored…
SDN World Congress Day One
I’ve not gone to trade conferences for a while and I forgot how exhausting they can be! Yesterday I had a chance to peruse the booths at SDN World Congress, and I met with Charlie Ashton of 6WIND for a demo of their technology. I’ve blogged a bit before about the importance of data path…
Revolutionary Coming-of-Age?
What will SDN and NFV be when they grow up? That’s a question we often ask children, but infant technologies ought to be prepared to answer it too. Kids don’t find answering easy nor do they get it right often, and it may be that technologies don’t do any better. If you define what you…
Business Deals and “Experience Edges”
Since it’s the Monday before an SDN/NFV show, Columbus Day in the US, and a day when there’ll likely be no earnings announcements or much news, we can take a look at a few items that didn’t make the “news” cut last week. It’s not that they don’t show something interesting as much as something…