Juniper continued to develop its Contrail/SDN strategy, with an announcement it was open-sourcing a version of its Contrail SDN controller, which is also available via a traditional commercial-support license. The move says a lot about the SDN space, and it also may give a hint as to how Juniper might (emphasis is important here) exploit…
Microsoft Missed the Key Nokia Piece
I know there’s already been a lot said about the Microsoft deal for Nokia, but I think that the deal may have some angles that still need more exploring! That includes the “NSN dimension” of the deal, of course. The biggest implication of the Microsoft/Nokia deal is that it doubles down on smartphones for Microsoft. …
What Winds are Blowing the Cloud?
The Light Reading story on Verizon comments regarding cloud adoption by enterprises is yet another example of the issues that face a revolutionary development in an age of instant knowledge gratification. It’s a decent story, and it frames the cloud dilemma of our time. There is no question that the cloud is revolutionary, but there’s…
What Winds are Blowing the Cloud?
The Light Reading story on Verizon comments regarding cloud adoption by enterprises is yet another example of the issues that face a revolutionary development in an age of instant knowledge gratification. It’s a decent story, and it frames the cloud dilemma of our time. There is no question that the cloud is revolutionary, but there’s…
Two Winds Blow Changes
Out with the old, in with the new. Sounds like New Year’s Day, and so clearly inappropriate to the season in a calendar sense. It also works with networking, though, and we have a couple of the OWTOIWTN items in news today. First, financial sources are saying today that Juniper is dropping MobileNext, its architecture…
Shrinking Big Data and the Internet of Things
If you like hype, you love the cloud, and SDN, and now NFV. You also love big data and the Internet of things. I’m not saying that any of these things are total frauds, or even that some of them aren’t true revolutions, but the problem is that we’ve so papered over the value propositions…
Two Tales, One Cloud
If you’re a cloud fan, which I am in at least the sense that I believe there’s a cloud in everyone’s future, it’s been a mixed week for news. VMware has announced its Nicira-based NaaS platform aimed I think at cloud data centers, and the move has gained a lot of traction among the “anybody-but-Cisco”…
Two Tales, One Cloud
If you’re a cloud fan, which I am in at least the sense that I believe there’s a cloud in everyone’s future, it’s been a mixed week for news. VMware has announced its Nicira-based NaaS platform aimed I think at cloud data centers, and the move has gained a lot of traction among the “anybody-but-Cisco”…
Microsoft’s Problems: More than One Man Deep
Probably a lot of people, both now and in the future, are going to say that Steve Ballmer’s departure from Microsoft was “the end of an era”. Certainly in a management continuity sense that was true; Ballmer was Gates’ heir apparent after all, so he was a continuation of the original Microsoft. What’s not certain…
NFV Savings and Impacts: From Both Sides
I’ve been reading a lot of commentary on network functions virtualization (NFV) and I’m sure that you all have been too. Most of it comes from sources who are not actively involved with NFV in any way, and since the NFV ISG’s work isn’t yet public it’s a bit hard for me to see how…