We’re a long way from the scheduled end of the ETSI NFV ISG’s work, but the initiative is already spawning implementations and perhaps a tad of NFV-washing. We have two more NFV-related announcements to talk about today, in fact. One represents the “mainstream” of NFV activity among vendors and the other represents a second orchestration…
Platform Issues in a Virtual-Networking World
There are always two components to any software-based solution to a problem—the software that implements the solution and the platform that software runs on. It’s not uncommon for us to take the latter for granted, but in the world of virtualization that’s a big mistake. For SDN and NFV in particular, platforms are really important…
Some Color on CloudNFV’s Management Strategy
One of the primary design goals of CloudNFV was to create a viable management framework for networks composed in whole or in part from virtual or cloud-hosted functions. Along the way we needed to deal with another of our principles; that the cloud, SDN, and NFV had to be united into a single concept. While…
Will We Ever Have an NGN?
Remember the concept of NGN—the “Next-Generation Network?” Some people think the Internet is it, but the Internet is a service and not really a network. Some think that it was accomplished by IP convergence, but if that’s true then what’s all the fuss about SDN and NFV about? So are we anywhere near the NGN…
A Better Look at CloudBand NFV
I was finally able to fit in a briefing by Alcatel-Lucent on their CloudBand ecosystem and NFV strategy (not because they were unwilling but because of mutual scheduling issues). The briefing was very helpful in conveying what Alcatel-Lucent is really doing in NFV and the cloud, and it also illustrates the positioning challenges vendors face…
Video: Not Cord-Cutting but Cord-Complicated
Yesterday I blogged a bit about mobile video and mobile viewing behavior, and today I want to follow up with some commentary and data on the fixed-line side of OTT video. The industry data shows convincingly that channelized consumption of video isn’t dropping even for fixed-line customers, but my own modeling and research shows that’s…
What Kills the Video Star?
We all know the old song, “Video killed the radio star.” The question now is whether something is killing or at least wounding the video star. The latest research on video shows, not to my personal surprise, that the impact of OTT video is primarily to increase viewing hours rather than to displace traditional channelized…
Do Alcatel-Lucent and Sprint Need to Speak Cloud?
Alcatel-Lucent’s quarter was far from happy, but there were still happy signs in a small increase in revenues and continued improvement in margins. The sales of IP products were also good, and all of this seems to indicate that the “Shift” plan the company outlined (and whose restructuring costs killed the bottom line this quarter)…
Getting SDN and NFV Up to Speed
My research has been showing a relatively slow uptake rate on SDN and NFV, slower than many would like to believe, and I thought it would be helpful to understand why the model I use is predicting a slow ramp rather than the classic “analyst report” hockey stick adoption. The truth is often less interesting…
We Announce a Set of CloudNFV Proof-of-Concept Proposals for the ETSI NFV ISG
We have posted the following on the proof-of-concept mailing list for the ETSI NFV ISG, offering our participation in the NFV body’s work in this area and offering integration with other NFV members. We invite parties interested in integrating with us to review our preliminary guidelines on our website, http://www.cloudnfv.com/ and also to apply to…