I was finally able to fit in a briefing by Alcatel-Lucent on their CloudBand ecosystem and NFV strategy (not because they were unwilling but because of mutual scheduling issues). The briefing was very helpful in conveying what Alcatel-Lucent is really doing in NFV and the cloud, and it also illustrates the positioning challenges vendors face…
Video: Not Cord-Cutting but Cord-Complicated
Yesterday I blogged a bit about mobile video and mobile viewing behavior, and today I want to follow up with some commentary and data on the fixed-line side of OTT video. The industry data shows convincingly that channelized consumption of video isn’t dropping even for fixed-line customers, but my own modeling and research shows that’s…
What Kills the Video Star?
We all know the old song, “Video killed the radio star.” The question now is whether something is killing or at least wounding the video star. The latest research on video shows, not to my personal surprise, that the impact of OTT video is primarily to increase viewing hours rather than to displace traditional channelized…
Do Alcatel-Lucent and Sprint Need to Speak Cloud?
Alcatel-Lucent’s quarter was far from happy, but there were still happy signs in a small increase in revenues and continued improvement in margins. The sales of IP products were also good, and all of this seems to indicate that the “Shift” plan the company outlined (and whose restructuring costs killed the bottom line this quarter)…
Getting SDN and NFV Up to Speed
My research has been showing a relatively slow uptake rate on SDN and NFV, slower than many would like to believe, and I thought it would be helpful to understand why the model I use is predicting a slow ramp rather than the classic “analyst report” hockey stick adoption. The truth is often less interesting…
We Announce a Set of CloudNFV Proof-of-Concept Proposals for the ETSI NFV ISG
We have posted the following on the proof-of-concept mailing list for the ETSI NFV ISG, offering our participation in the NFV body’s work in this area and offering integration with other NFV members. We invite parties interested in integrating with us to review our preliminary guidelines on our website, http://www.cloudnfv.com/ and also to apply to…
“Virtual Networking” Means Networking the Virtual
It’s another of those recap Fridays, to pick up news that was pushed aside by other developments and to try to drag some cohesion out of the general muddle of news. I think the theme of earnings calls for the week has been “an industry in transition” and so I’ll stay with that theme and…
Spotlighting Carrier Capex and Profit Plans
Verizon’s comments about capex and generally better visibility from vendors has helped the telecom equipment space look a bit better, and of course that’s been our forecast since the spring. My model shows general telecom spending will increase through 2015, with spending in all equipment areas showing some gain. This represents the “last-gasp” modernization funded…
Juniper Will Get a New CEO
Juniper reported its numbers, which showed better profits and a slight improvement in revenue, and then issued a pretty nice 3Q outlook to boot. The initial reaction of the Street was mixed; some hoped for better performance given Juniper’s multiple, and others were happy. But earnings may not have been the big news. Kevin Johnson,…
Can Cisco Ride Sourcefire to Cloud Supremacy?
Cisco today announced one of their bigger acquisitions—security specialist firm Sourcefire. The move is likely linked to the trends in security that I’ve seen in our surveys—most recently the spring survey published in Netwatcher just a few days ago. It’s also likely to be another Cisco shot at Juniper, whose enterprise strategy is heavily linked…