Yet another set of Street reports and research reports have stopped just short of describing the PC market as “dead”, though a close analysis of the data seems to suggest that the declines are hitting a plateau. My view has always been that we’re seeing the “browser bunch”, those who see technology as a pathway…
We Announce CloudNFV
Those of you who follow me on LinkedIn may have caught my creation of a LinkedIn Group called “CloudNFV”. Even though the group is currently invitation-only I’ve received many requests for membership, and a select few found the CloudNFV website and figured out a bit of what was going on. Craig Matsumoto of SDNCentral was…
Are We Selling Virtualization Short?
We clearly live in a virtual world, in terms of the evolution of technology at least, but I really wonder sometimes whether everyone got the memo on this particular point. It seems like there’s a tendency to look at the future of virtualization as one focused on creating virtual images of the same tired old…
Looking at NGN Through SDN/NFV-colored Glasses
We all think that networking is changing, and most probably agree that 1) the cloud is the primary driver, and 2) SDN is the term we use to describe the new “connection architecture”. I think that the point-three here is that NFV is the cloud-platform architecture that will describe how the hosted network elements are…
Netsocket Sings SDN in Perfect Harmony
I’ve noted in past blogs that the world of SDN is evolving, and perhaps the most significant element of this evolution is the emergence of a distinct two-layer model of SDN. The top layer of SDN, based on “software overlay” virtualization, focuses on agile connection management to adapt to the dynamic notion of the cloud. … Is It Enough?
One of the challenges that wireline has faced (and it doesn’t need all that many challenges for gosh’s sakes!) is the “capacity gap”. If anyone thinks broadband Internet is profitable enough, you need to read somebody else’s blog. You need to deliver video, HD video, to make wireline work, and that’s a problem because traditional…
Microsoft: From Behind the Duck to The Wrong Duck?
The departure of Microsoft’s top Xbox guy, Don Mattrick, for Zynga has raised again the profile of Microsoft’s still-secret-in-detail restructuring. Ballmer announced that the company would be working to be more focused on services and devices and less on software. Clearly there are going to be a lot of changes, but rather than speculating on…
Nokia Wins NSN Custody, but Is It a Win?
Well, we’ve seemed to finally get beyond the rumor phase with NSN. Nokia has offered to buy Siemens out of the joint venture, one of several possible outcomes that I’d heard rumors on over the last several month. The big question is whether this will matter to NSN or to Nokia, and that depends on…
Three Network Sign-Posts
It’s been an interesting week for the markets, in all of the dimensions that drive us forward. There are glimmers of technology change in SDN, there are signs of vendor shifts, and there are macro indicators that might tell us a bit about demand. So, given that it’s Friday and a good day to take…
Three Network Sign-Posts
It’s been an interesting week for the markets, in all of the dimensions that drive us forward. There are glimmers of technology change in SDN, there are signs of vendor shifts, and there are macro indicators that might tell us a bit about demand. So, given that it’s Friday and a good day to take…