The end of a week is my usual recap time, an opportunity to try to collect rumors and minor items and combine them with broader and more visible ones to find some interesting trends. This week, the question that seems to come out of this process is “What’s happening with network equipment vendors?” We all…
Alcatel-Lucent: Stop Predicting the Future and Shape It!
Alcatel-Lucent, battered by high costs and declining revenues and by internal tension since the merger, is now going to have to get another CEO. Ben Verwaayen is stepping down, having failed to turn the company’s fortunes around. That he didn’t is beyond dispute. Whether he could have is open to debate in my view, and…
Dell, the Cloud, and the Lesson of History
Dell’s decision to buy itself out of being a public company into a private one (with private equity help) generated a gratuitous slap from HP, but it’s clear that there ARE really questions about Dell’s future. The thing is, the same questions can be asked about HP’s future too, and maybe the future of tech…
Details and Destinations
The devil, they say, is in the details. The difference between motion and progress, they say, is a sense of goal or destination. Well, we have a couple of examples in the news that demonstrates the truth of these statements. We’re hearing more and more about a plan by FCC Chairman Genachowski that would use…
What’s in the Oracle and Acme Packets Deal?
Oracle announced its intention to buy Acme Packet, a company it describes as a leader in session border control technology for carriers and enterprises. On the surface, this would appear to be a deal targeting the VoIP, mobile/LTE, and UC/UCC spaces, and surely that dimension of the M&A will worry network giant Cisco, who has…
“So Take a Letter to Tellabs…”
Tellabs has, like other network companies, seen its sales slide through the last couple of years, and also like other companies Tellabs has decided to cut back staff, drop a product, and focus on (you guessed it!) mobile and SDN. The big question is whether it’s too late. Tellabs had actually been focusing more on…
Are We Groping the “Cloud Elephant?”
It’s Recap Friday, a good time to look back at the sum of smaller items in the news that are individually perhaps not noteworthy, but that might sum up to indicate a valuable insight or trend. Sometimes little boulders can still create a big landslide! Let’s start with the JDSU report; many financial analysts and…
Learning SDN by Picking Blackberries
Here’s a question to ponder; “How is Blackberry like most vendors’ SDN strategy?” The answer is “too late to the revolution”. RIM, who changed its name to “Blackberry” to reflect the market reality of where brand loyalty lies, is looking to re-launch more than a name. They have the almost-insurmountable task of making their new…
VMware’s Cloud Plans: Cloudy?
VMware reported its quarterly numbers, which were light in terms of revenue growth, and this caused the stock to take quite a tumble in after-hours trading. The experience of VMware is interesting, I think, because it illustrates a couple of market realities we forget all too often. Reality number one is that market segmentation doesn’t…
The Right Kind of Cloud Vision
Anyone who has read my blog for a while knows that I’m a believer in the thesis that the cloud changes everything. Yes, I believe it’s over-hyped (what isn’t these days), but it represents the reformulation of the partnership between networking and information technology, and in particular it provides the framework for us to direct…