The notion of “revolution” is always exciting, sometimes useful, occasionally destructive. The notion of two or three of them at once tips the scales into the latter category in my view. We have been looking at “the cloud revolution” for several years, we’ve just started “the SDN revolution” and now we’re facing “the NFV revolution”. …
Contradiction: The Street’s View of Networking in a Nutshell
It’s sometimes nice to end a week with some analysis of the Street’s view of networking. To hear that there are sometimes contradictions is likely not going to surprise you, and I think contradictions often expose some interesting truths. They also give me a chance to lay out a financial view of industry health. JP…
CIMI Corporation’s NFV White Paper Comments
We filed comments with the operators who generated the white paper on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and I’ve referenced those comments in posts this week. I’m not sure how to find them in the NFV site or whether everyone has access to that site, so I’m posting the material below. This material can be freely…
It’s Cisco’s Turn at SDN Bat
It’s probably not going to surprise anyone to hear that Cisco is going to be providing more detail on its SDN and NFV framework at its own partner conference in later January, given that Juniper took its shot this week. The two companies have always tried to pee in each other’s yards, stepping on announcements…
Is the QFabric Chip the Root of Juniper’s “Service Chaining?”
I had noted in my blog on Juniper’s SDN announcement yesterday that we had covered the Juniper QFabric launch in early 2011 and had written an article on QFabric, the PTX, and its potential value in the cloud. The article included comments on the potential for “service chains” similar to that offered in Juniper’s SDN…
First Glance at Facebook, Second at Juniper
Facebook’s new search concept is going to be seen as a threat to Google, and it is. It’s also a threat to Facebook and it may even be a threat to the whole of online advertising. Revolutions have a way of turning from change to destruction, and while that’s certainly not intended here it is…
Juniper’s SDN: Really it’s NFV!
Juniper just completed their SDN event at their partner conference, and as is often the case they haven’t made things easy for those who, like me, are charged with analyzing the result. But we soldier on, and so let me jump right in. At the high level, Juniper’s SDN strategy is really a Network Functions…
The Times They Are a’Changin
Some of you may know I’m a fan of the folk music of the ‘60s, and one of my favorites is “The Times They Are a’Changin” (Dylan and also Peter, Paul, and Mary). We’ve got some proof of that with news today. Most people in tech today don’t remember a time when the personal computer…
On SDN, it’s RADspeak Today, Juniper Tomorrow
RAD isn’t exactly a household word in SDN, but their CTO did a blog on SDN that raises some interesting points, particularly given that another vendor (Juniper) is scheduled to do an SDN announcement tomorrow. The first point in the RAD blog is that “SDN returns to centralized control as compared to a distributed control…
Two Nascent Recoveries?
Read the tech-financials these days and you see two maybe-recovery stories. Nokia has been a company in decline for several years, but perhaps no longer. With sales of Lumia handsets much stronger than expected and NSN turning in a profit, Nokia may have the bad times behind them…perhaps. Alcatel-Lucent has seen some bad times too,…