The Network Functions Virtualization stuff I talked about in my blog yesterday has picked up steam, adding more Tier One sponsors and turning to ETSI to host them as a body. The group is emphasizing that they’re not a “standards group”, hopefully trying to avoid the glacial pace and lack of market responsiveness that characterizes…
Are Carriers Taking a Hand at the SDN/Cloud Boundary?
It seems the SDN scene just never goes to sleep. Today at the SDN and OpenFlow World Congress a group of Tier One operators announced they were launching an ambitious initiative called Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) to standardize network infrastructure and virtualize network functions/services. As I’m hearing, this activity goes beyond OpenFlow and SDN to…
A New Slant on SDN and the Cloud?
ATIS (Alliance for Telecom Industry Solutions) is going to launch an SDN initiative aimed at generating a viable ecosystemic strategy without the bottlenecks of traditional standardization—take a leaf from the OTT tree. This is sort of hopeful to me not because I think they’ve made any progress at this point, but because they seem to…
And The Enemy Is…The Mobile Us!
Anyone who thought PCs were healthy has probably had that knocked out of them by now. Microsoft and AMD have added their voices to the chorus of “below seasonality” qualifiers as the companies reported lower numbers than expected. AMD is clearly in trouble, with significant layoffs now on tap. Google’s numbers, released by surprise in…
Juniper Rumors, Cloud Studies
The big news today is the rumor on the Street that EMC is about to do a deal to acquire Juniper, a rumor that sent Juniper up about 7% pre-market today. This has been speculated on before (Light Reading did a piece, for example), and there are some seemingly strange things that such a deal…
Facing Inconvenient Truths
What would happen if the two largest network equipment vendors and some of the biggest carriers in the world stood up in public and said that there was a major threat to the whole future of broadband, a threat that could undermine everything we believed would happen to improve our mobile lives? What would happen…
Hangout on SDN and Optical Switching
I’m hosting the next in our series of Google+ Hangouts, this one on the use of SDN to control optical switching. Listen in at or contact me if you’d like to be considered for participation. Remember, no promotions of companies or products are allowed on these Hangouts! Email and RSS:
Cisco’s (Maybe, Still) Evolving SDN Story
In the ever-evolving world of SDN Cisco, the network market-leader is…well…evolving. The latest story from the OpenStack event is that Cisco is in fact going to embrace OpenFlow and more mainstream industry principles, but my interpretation is that it’s also going to try to out-climb OpenFlow, to rise to the top of the stack to…
Can the Mobile Cloud Catch Up?
Japan’s Softbank is taking 70% of Sprint, a move that combines with recent reports on looming declines in revenue and profit for European mobile operators to pose questions about mobile overall. One interesting thing this deal shows is that at mobile markets mature in a given geography, profits and margins slow their growth and eventually…
A Graphic Lesson in Tech Marketing
Here’s a graphic representation of an axiom from aviation that I feel is all-too-often ignored in positioning technology products today: There are risks in flying too high, but flying under the radar has risks of its own! Email and RSS: