I got an interesting question from an telco planer recently, on the ever-popular topic of generative AI. What they were interested in was the infrastructure requirements associated with deploying a generative AI service, and also what they might want to consider as the basis for a “private AI” offering. I think it’s a worthwhile question…
Why Nokia May Be Way Smarter than a Fox
How smart was Nokia’s move to embrace Red Hat for platform software rather than continuing to try to support its own stuff? The move has been reported to be focusing on things like 5G Core, but I’m hearing stories that it’s a much broader and much more important step. If that’s true, then it’s fair…
What Do Enterprises Really Think About Generative AI?
OK, generative AI is getting a lot of good ink, and some bad as well. There’s little question that AI in general, and generative AI and “large language models” or LLMs in particular, are going to bring about major tech changes and even changes to our lives. There’s little question that the negatives, including their…
Do We Trust Telcos with Future Services?
Trust is really important in sales. My decades of research have shown that effective selling is really about trust transfer. A salesperson builds trust with a prospect, and if they’re effective they transfer that trust to their statements about user needs and product capabilities, and that’s what ultimately sells. One thing that’s stood out for…
Is There Open-Network Life Beyond Open RAN?
Earlier this month, I blogged about the challenges of Open RAN, but obviously RANs aren’t the only part of a telco network. Operators have accepted open-model networks and multi-vendor networks more easily outside the RAN, and so I wanted to talk about what I’ve found regarding both approaches when you leave the radio network and…
Transferring the CIMI Corporation Blogs to Andover Intel
I believe/hope that I have successfully transferred the contents of CIMI Corporation’s blog to Andover Intel. The process wasn’t as straightforward as I’d hoped it would be, but it seems to have worked. However, any links to other blog entries found in the CIMI blogs will likely not work once the original blog pages are…
Is Juniper’s CORA Finally Realizing their Metro Strategy? Or Building on It?
I don’t think anyone is surprised to hear that I think “metro” is the hot spot for the network of the future. I don’t think many are surprised when I say that Juniper has been, shall we say, dabbling in metro for over a year. I use the term “dabbling” because while they’ve announced “Cloud…
IBM, Oracle, and the New Face of the Cloud
I doubt there are many who don’t accept that enterprise use of the cloud is undergoing some sort of transformation. I blogged about the “why” of that last week, and so this week I want to look at what the transformation might mean, and might already be meaning, in the business of the cloud and…
What Can We Really Say about Generative AI?
Absolute truths are hard to come by these days, and one area where enterprises tell me they need those truths badly is AI. Generative AI in particular is being portrayed as the most significant development of our times, a pathway to reducing climate change, improving our health and finances, and enriching everyone’s life in general….
What Can We Guess About the Future of Network Infrastructure?
Let’s play the game “Suppose”. Suppose that we do transform to a future where network services are created more from hosted elements whose features then integrate with connectivity. Suppose that we include the “metaverse” and “metaverse of things” (MoT) models in that. Suppose that public cloud providers partner with operators to create service feature hosting…