One of the recurring metaverse problems is the tendency to nail the term to the social-media applications, when the concept is actually much broader. A joint report by Nokia and EY says that the “industrial metaverse” is creating “substantial business value” and demonstrates “significant or transformative impact”. This doesn’t surprise me; I’ve advocated a “metaverse…
What’s Driving “Cloud Reconsideration” for Enterprises?
I doubt whether anyone hasn’t read technical media and financial articles that talk about the slowing growth of cloud computing. I also doubt anyone has missed the stories of cost overruns and companies who have saved big bucks not by adopting the cloud but by moving back to, or in some cases even creating, data…
Is There an Open RAN Issue, or an Open-Model Network Issue?
I’m a fan, and an advocate, of open systems. Thus, I’m a fan of the concept of Open RAN. The problem is that what I hear from the mobile operators doesn’t support my convictions, and I think it’s important that we look at the Open RAN situation to see why that is. We’ll start by…
Are Application Trends on Track to Drive Growth in IT and Network Spending?
We might enjoy talking about the future of the cloud, or the network, or the data center, but all three of those things are subordinate to the future of “empowerment”, the use of technology to improve business decisions and productivity. The biggest questions on tech, then, are really questions about applications, which means the software…
Want to Know How Users See Applications and AI as a Source of New Spending?
You need to check out my blog on the topic, now posted here: Email and RSS:
Starting a New Adventure!
Starting July 1st 2023 I’ll be launching a new company, Andover Intel, and doing all my blogging, writing, and consulting through that entity. As a part of this transformation, I’ll be suspending my blogging on this blog site and instead using Andover Intel at the link provided above. If you’ve registered to receive my current…
Wall Street is Selling Tech Short, and It’s Hurting us All
Ciena delivered a great quarter by any measure, but it saw a major hit on its stock. The situation is a lesson for tech companies overall, because on the one hand companies are legally responsible to serve shareholder interests, and on the other hand Wall Street has been manipulating markets. We’re in a period where…
What Can We Really Say About Generative AI?
If you’ve been in tech for more than a few years, you’re surely aware of the fact that vendors and the tech press will jump on anything that gains any user interest or traction. They’ll lay claim to the hot concepts even if it means stretching facts to (and some would say “beyond”) the limits…
The Latest on Telco Subsidies: An Alternative Approach Needs Work
It’s starting to look like the meat of the issue of telco subsidies by OTTs is emerging. A recent piece on the topic makes the comment that the big problem with the EU proposal on subsidies is that the EU “essentially attempts to regulate the internet like the telephone network.” The question that raises is…
Are Telcos Failing the Enterprise?
An EY report on telcos has been raising a lot of comments in the networking community. The main proposition is that the telcos have “failed to articulate a compelling value proposition” and that this is why 5G take-up by enterprises is low. The report is titled “EY Reimagining Industry Futures Study 2023” and it covers…