The rumor that AOL and some private equity firms have been in talks with Yahoo regarding an acquisition seems to be most rooted in the WSJ, but some insiders tell us that it’s true. They also say there are still some significant points of dispute on the proposed deal, and that the odds against success…
Sorry, Microsoft
Microsoft has launched its Phone 7 initiative, and from what’s been revealed so far and how operators have reacted in conversations with us, the new mobile strategy is fatally flawed. In fact, unless Microsoft makes truly radical changes or has some literally unprecedented success, it’s probably the end of Microsoft in the mobile space. With…
Is Facebook Showing Us Something with Groups?
With its new implementation of Groups, Facebook has revamped its way of mapping relationships into something multi-dimensional instead of the classical “star” configuration. At least they’ve offered the option of doing that; whether users will bother is another matter. What’s more interesting to us is the drivers to make the change in the first place,…
Will Cisco’s Ume Break Networks, Policies, or Both?
Cisco released its expected home videoconference solution with the somewhat cutsey name of Umi, which to make things worse is supposed to have a horizontal accent line over the “U” to indicate a “you” pronunciation. Whatever the spelling and character set, it’s potentially a significant product. Umi brings HD videoconferencing to the home TV, and…
More Color on Alcatel-Lucent’s Strategy
Alcatel-Lucent had an invitation event for industry analysts yesterday, and since the group was small relative to normal events there was a good opportunity for discussion and engagement. The goal was to give us an idea of where Alcatel-Lucent was going in the near term and in a more strategic sense, and I think they…
What Verizon’s Datacenter Spending Portends
Verizon said it would be making a major investment in data centers for, among other things, cloud computing. The result will be an addition of space for over 5 thousand servers and an expansion to about 200 data centers worldwide, including sites in Australia and the UK. While “the cloud” gets a lot of play…
HP’s New CEO: Best Available but Not Perfect
HP picked former SAP CEO Leo Apotheker as its new CEO, a move that surprised many in the industry but that doesn’t particularly surprise us. The criticism of Apotheker stems largely from the fact that his tenure at SAP was hardly stellar; the company lost market share to Oracle throughout and he was unable to…
Net Neutrality–Again?
Rep. Waxman, the House sponsor of an attempt to pass legislation to direct the FCC’s decisions on net neutrality, has withdrawn the bill for lack of support. This ends, at least for the moment, another of Congress’ attempts to create telecom policy through explicit legislation. It’s not the first time bills have been dropped; since…
Welcome to Our New Blog Format!
Welcome to CIMI Corporation’s new blog. This is the format for all of our future blogging, and it’s the same structure as we use on our TMT Advisor premium blog-based information service. This blog is visible to everyone, but unlike our previous blog, this one will also support registration of users and some commenting. We…