I’ve blogged multiple times on AI and ChatGPT, so you may be bored with the topic. Bear with me, because this time I’m going to look at what the real, long-term, threat of the technology could be. It may not be as simply scary as it’s popularly portrayed, but in the long term it could…
All the Facts, Always the Truth
That’s the promise of Andover Intel, and we really mean it. There’s too much hype out there, and we all waste too much time with it. What we’re going to do here is simple. We’re going to talk about the important developments in networking, information technology, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. We’re going to look…
Could Juniper be On the Verge of a Seismic Positioning Change?
Over the last two years, I’ve been pretty clear regarding the importance of virtual networking. It’s not only that the use of the cloud, and the expanded use of virtualization and containers in the data center, demands it. SD-WAN is a form of virtual networking that’s exploding as a means of connecting thin sites and…
Private 5G: Now Dead or Never Alive?
It’s already getting hard to find positive things being said about 5G, and candidly most of the negativity is well-deserved. Hype doesn’t conquer all; although it does produce more interesting stories, reality eventually impinges. At any rate, Light Reading offered another round in the 5G downside fight, with the story on how the shine is…
Is NaaS Really Too Expensive or Are We Thinking About it Wrong?
Enterprises are obviously getting concerned about cloud costs, and according to those I’ve talked with, the concerns are greatest because of usage pricing. While it’s possible to get an IaaS instance on a fixed price, things like scalability and even traffic can introduce at least a usage-price component to the picture. It’s this added dimension…
Cloud Native, 5G, and The Real Relationship
What could be better, after talking about the pitfalls of cloud-native development, to talk about how cloud-native and 5G are locked in a deadly hype embrace? There are a couple of stories to reference; one that says the 5G emperor has no clothes, and a second that asks whether 5G can really offer an alternative…
The Uneasy Relationship Between ChatGPT and Search
I’ve already blogged about my own experience with the wildly popular ChatGPT, but that analysis opens a question that was also raised recently online, which is whether ChatGPT could be a threat to search in general and Google/Alphabet’s revenue model in particular. So could it? The answer is related to some of the points I…
Cloud-Native Models and Cloud Spending Impacts
Enterprises have been telling me that they’re finding the cloud to be a lot more expensive than they’d expected. That has a lot of potential consequences, not the least of which being the risk to cloud provider revenues or the risk to the careers of a lot of developers. What’s really interesting to me is…
Is the New Mobile Modulation Strategy, OTFS, a Game-Changer?
Spectrum is expensive, and as this Light Reading article points out, anything that promises additional capacity for a given chunk of spectrum sounds good. The current focus is orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation, which some are promoting as a fundamental technology for (gasp!) 6G. But is sounding good enough; is this yet another way…
Can ChatGPT Replace us All?
I doubt there’s anyone in tech, and perhaps any parent, who hasn’t heard of ChatGPT. It’s often characterized as a “robot” that can do your homework, run your business, and so forth. I’ve said in the past that I believed its responses weren’t all that sophisticated, but I didn’t offer any specific proof. Now I…