With apologies to Arthur Guiterman. “The Elon Musk whose Twitter Flaw launched Mastodon…has rubbed us raw. The metaverse that promised much…has crumbled into cartoon dust. The 5G wave that swept our shores…became the focus of our snores. All tech seems locked in hype and fear…and so we hope for a better year.” Email and RSS:
Some New Podcast Capabilities for 2023
Starting in 2023 I’ll be adding some capabilities to our TMT Advisor podcast site, including scheduling Mastodon-based interaction on selected podcasts and adding a new podcast type. Please note that you’ll have to be registered to use the Mastodon capability and to listen to the new TechsRayTM podcasts. Those who are registered on January 10th…
Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023, and Beyond
We’re almost done with 2022, a year that a lot of people aren’t going to be sad to leave behind. The big question for us all is whether 2023 will be any better, and there are signs that point both upward and downward. The tech world is always a slave to the broad economy, but…
Oracle’s Cloud is Hot; Can They Keep It Hot?
If you’re a fan of the cloud, which probably just about everyone is, then one big question that you’d probably like to have addressed is “Why, given that all the signs are that public cloud spending growth is dropping, did Oracle deliver 43% higher cloud revenue in the last quarter?” There have been a lot…
Is the Metro a Natural Fit for Disaggregated Device Technology?
I’ve blogged a number of times on the importance of metro in edge computing, cloud computing, function hosting, and network evolution. Metro, of course, is primarily a geography, and second a natural place of concentration of traffic. Economically, it’s the best place to site a resource pool for new services and network features, because it’s…
Some More Details on Mastodon Chatting on TMT Advisor Podcasts
As I’ve already noted in a prior post, I intend to provide an option to allow registered users of my blog.tmtadvisor.com podcast site to participate in scheduled chats about selected podcasts, using the open-source Mastodon application. This post on TMT Advisor provides more details, and full information will be available when the capability is activated…
Happy Holidays from CIMI Corporation
This has been a year most of us would like to forget, and we’re all hoping that next year will be better. We wish all of our customers, contacts, and those who follow our blogs and podcasts a very Happy Holiday Season, and we hope that in 2023 the world will recover from some of…
Podcast: Things Past and Things to Come December 19 2022
We’re still facing economic uncertainties and stock market tumult, but our podcasters remain confident about the path forward in 2023. In the tech space, they talk about one particular telco project, and the vendor selected for it, and why this is important enough to break our tradition of not covering “wins”. Email and RSS:
What’s Next for the Network Operators? It Depends.
There are probably few topics as important as where telcos are on their path to…well, maybe that’s the problem. What are they on the path to? Digital transformation? Virtualization? Telco cloud? Cloud native? We’re entering a new year shortly, a year that’s clearly going to be critical for the telcos worldwide. They are finally facing…
New Feature for TMT Advisor in 2023
Starting next year, at a time to be announced, I will be using Mastodon (the Vivaldi.net instance) to chat with registered users of TMT Advisor. More information on this will be made available when the feature is live, but you can register for TMT Advisor at no charge now. https://blog.tmtadvisor.com/ Email and RSS: