Back in 2019, the publishers of Politico announced they were launching a new tech publication, called “Protocol”. It came out early in 2020, and earlier in November of 2022 it announced it was ceasing publication. Since Politico is a highly successful and respected publication in the national and international political scene, how come their tech…
Podcast: Things Past and Things to Come November 28 2022
What’s going to happen with the economies of the US, EU, and UK? Is crypto doomed? When will the current economic downturn end and how will tech fare? We address these points in this week’s podcast. Email and RSS:
Could an Up-and-Coming Vendor Gain Traction in Networking?
In my blog on Monday, I talked about the battle of the two giant IP network equipment vendors, Cisco and Juniper. The two, I said, are battling it out in a sales-driven arena and neither are pushing all the buttons they could on the marketing side. That raises a question, which is whether a newcomer…
Cisco Versus Juniper: How’s that Shaking Out?
Cisco and Juniper are both key players in the network equipment space, for slightly different reasons. Both had good quarters and were rewarded by Wall Street, but there have always been major differences between the style of the two companies. Whether those differences are widening or narrowing is important both to the competitors themselves and…
Podcast: TMT Advisor Things Past and Things to Come
Join our podcasters this week for a view on the ups and downs of the stock market, commentary on broad economic trends, insights into tech layoffs, and a preview of 2023. Email and RSS:
Can the New Sylva Project Save Carrier Cloud?
Ah, telco cloud! The initiative that many (myself included) had hoped would revolutionize the cloud, the edge, and telcos all at the same time. Well, it’s been a dud. As a poet once said, “The tusks that clashed in mighty brawls of mastodons…are billiard balls.” Telcos seem to have ceded everything to the public cloud…
The AI Revolution Meets Adam Smith
When people worry about the risk of AI or robotics, they’re typically seeing us all wiped out by rogue robots. They either kill us off directly, or they conspire to crash our aircraft, trap us in elevators, or maybe drown us by opening spillways on dams. I won’t say that “active extinction” scenarios are impossible,…
Are Mobile Services Running Out of Gas?
Verizon, once the player to beat in mobile services and perhaps the strongest Tier One overall, sure seems to have fallen from grace. The company has lost wireless subscribers every quarter for years and it’s now trading at its lowest level in five years. Given the fact that stocks have been in the toilet for…
Podcast: Things Past and Things to Come for November 14, 2022
Wall Street turned around last week, and tech led the way. Can we expect that things are actually getting better, and what in particular do we think is happening with tech? Our podcasters look at all these issues. Email and RSS:
Could Stablecoins Save Crypto?
Let’s face it, cryptocurrency is a mess. I’m sure nobody who reads my blog has any doubt that I’ve never been a fan of the concept. “Currency” that has nothing behind it is just a bubble-in-waiting. But what about the stablecoin concept? Suppose you pegged crypto to an asset? Could that solve the problem? That’s…