There’s no shortage of news about the changing attitudes of enterprises toward cloud computing. Five years ago, it was all about “cloud-first” planning of applications, but recently “repatriation” of applications from cloud to data center has dominated, but both extremes are still represented. What’s the truth? One possible source that came to light this month…
Harmonizing the Missions of Digital Twins
We’ve heard about, and I’ve talked about, the concept of a “digital twin”. Interest in the concept is growing, and with that growth we’re seeing an interesting division of mission appearing. It turns out that just as we have “identical” and “fraternal” twins in human biology, we have “control” and “simulate” twins in the world…
The Network Spending Drought: How Did It Happen and How to End It
Spending on telco infrastructure is declining. Telcos don’t know how to find new revenue. Enterprise network spending is also under pressure, and in particular spending on new technologies or on new projects that could lead to higher spending down the line. Open technology is more and more an argument rather than a property, and many…
Is the New Telco API Venture Progress, or Progressive Delusion?
While the source of the quote (Albert Einstein) isn’t well known, many recognize the statement that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” One would think that sentiment would discourage continued reliance on failed concepts, but that’s apparently not true in the telco world. There, it means that…
An Expert Talks About IoT, Digital Twins, AI, and Business Automation
Sometimes you strike gold, and that’s particularly true when you’re talking about freely offered user commentary on a hot technical issue. I had such an experience last week, with an enterprise expert in the applications of IoT and telemetry to business automation overall. An email chat was great in itself, but the expert offered to…
Why Do I Say that Connection Services are Commoditizing?
I’ve said many times that broadband connectivity services have commoditized, and I believe the truth of that is fairly self-evident. I’ve not really gone into the “Why?” of the matter, though, and if it’s true that there’s a fiber war raging, as some tech sites have claimed, then we could benefit in any assessment of…
The Search for “Private Cloud”
Everyone in tech surely knows what a “public cloud” is. It scores 100% among enterprises, for sure. How about “private cloud” though? While almost all enterprises (398) tell me they know what that is too, roughly a third fail to offer any signs of being convinced when pressed. Of the remainder (271), almost half define…
Is the Verizon Deal for Frontier Smart?
Verizon’s announcement it was proposing to acquire Frontier Communication hasn’t thrilled everyone, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. While Verizon’s own announcement characterizes it as a move to expand its fiber network, it’s also been called (as it is in my first reference) a move to expand fixed/mobile convergence. Which is it, and could…
Do We Have Blind Spots in Our Assessment of AI?
IBM does a lot of good stuff, covering a fairly wide area, including AI. I cited an IBM-sponsored report as one of two in a blog last week, in fact. There’s another report out that also at least relates to AI, but also has a broader target. Called “6 blind spots tech leaders must reveal”,…
What Enterprises Say About Project Failures; AI, the Cloud, and the Rest
According to a recent story, an astonishing 80% of IT projects fail, and project failures are a big problem, for sure. Of 419 enterprises who offered me comments on their IT projects this year, all but 7 said that at least one IT project they’d launched in the last year had failed. None reported anything…