In a month, we’ll hit the start of what’s traditionally been a fall technology planning period that ends mid-November. Enterprises are a bit loose with regard to formal planning (I’ll provide my impression of their views next week), but the network operators have generally been fairly consistent in using this cycle to lay out the…
Comments Invited on the Podcast Approach
I’ve posted some podcasts on my TMT Advisor site, and I’m inviting followers and other interested parties to check them out for content, format, length, and so forth. You can comment on them through LinkedIn, message or email me, or whatever format you’re comfortable with. Remember that I’m trying to decide if the podcast approach…
E Pluribus: What Arista Could Do with its New Technology
I’ve been an advocate of virtual networking for both enterprises and network operators, with a special focus on SD-WAN. What’s really important, though, is the “virtual networking” antecedent, and I think that a reunion of virtual network technology and SD-WAN is coming. The driver is likely the cloud, and the instrument of change may be…
Do We Need a New Generation of Abstractions for Virtualization?
Ancient Romans didn’t have computers or networks, but I’d bet that if they did, we’d see “In abstractione simplicitatis” graven on their monuments; “In abstraction, simplicity”. We’ve been taking advantage of that principle, though often implicitly rather than explicitly, since the dawn of computing, and going forward it may well be that our ability to…
Hosted-Function and API Security for Service Providers: Not There Yet
Most network operators have their hopes pinned on 5G and IoT, and it’s already clear that a lot of these hopes will be dashed simply because both concepts have been over-hyped. Now, to make matters worse, there’s a growing concern that the implementation of 5G, and support for IoT applications, may have created a significant…
Comcast Goes Live with Xfinity Stream
Cable companies offered TV from the first, and were also among the first to offer broadband Internet. Now there are indicators that they’ll be separating the two. Comcast is about to go live with its Xfinity Stream service, which will be available on Roku and Amazon streaming devices and on some TVs, with other platforms…
Is Amazon Going to Give Us Real Robots?
Amazon’s decision to buy iRobot, the company that makes the popular Roomba robotic vacuum, has stirred a lot of speculation, ranging from some solid business questions to the expected speculation that this is just the latest round in the effort to have robots take over the world. Are robots poised to overtake AI as the…
Will Cisco’s Big Organizational Change Help, or Hurt?
If we have a shape of things to come, maybe now we have an organization of things to come. That’s what Cisco is promoting, at least, with the announcement it would be combining the enterprise networking and mass infrastructure groups. The challenge here is first to decide if the decision was driven, as some say,…
Any Interest in a Podcast?
A number of those who know me or have read my blog have asked me about doing a podcast. I’ve been looking into the concept, but the problem is that there’s a fair amount of work in prepping one, and also a cost getting it hosted. I can’t justify that on the same free-no-sponsorship basis…
Why Services are Different From Applications in Orchestration
I’ve talked about service modeling and lifecycle automation, and about the software that’s needed to make a modeled service effective. It’s time to look at another related issue, which is the issue of just what you’re orchestrating. While it’s popular to talk about “cloud-native” technology for network features, the cloud is an application hosting technology…