The NFV community accepts the need to modernize, but it’s more difficult for them to say what “modern” looks like. Certainly there’s pressure for change, but the pressure seems as much about tuning terminology as actually changing technology. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the area of “cloud-native”. Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), the meat…
Are Network Vendors Jinxed on M&A?
Why do so many vendors mess up acquisitions? It’s always been a relevant question because, well, vendors always seem to mess them up. It’s relevant now because of the Ericsson announcement it was acquiring Cradlepoint, and that deal could be a poster child for a number of the issues I’m going to raise. There are…
Event-Driven OSS/BSS: Useful, Possible…?
Why are operators interested in event-driven OSS/BSS? Maybe I should qualify that as “some operators” or even “some people in some operators”. In the last ten days, I’ve heard (for the second time) a sharp dispute within an operator regarding the future of OSS/BSS. I’ve also heard vendors and analysts wonder what’s really on. Here’s…
Why Separating the Control and Data Planes is Important
The separation between control and data planes is a pretty-well-accepted concept, but one complicating factor in the picture is that the term “control plane” isn’t used consistently. Originally, the “control plane” was the set of protocol messages used to control data exchanges, and so it was (as an example) a reference to the in-band exchanges…
Is Ericsson Right About Open RAN Security?
Vendors love to rain on open initiatives, so it’s not surprising that Ericsson, perhaps the leading 5G vendor, is now casting clouds and shade on Open RAN. Specifically, they’re warning about the security risks it might present. Is this yet another of those cynical vendor ploys, or is there something to the issue? In particular,…
Oracle’s Quarter and the Future of SaaS
The biggest players in a space always set the tone, but they don’t always tell the story. Oracle last week turned in a good quarter, and they’re in many ways an outlier in the public cloud space. They don’t figure in most media cloud discussions as they rank number five in most public cloud reports,…
Ciena Gets Some Mojo
Ciena beat its estimates in both EPS and revenue, which raises the question of whether operators are moving more to a “capacity-biased” model of network architecture even without a complete picture of how such a model could be optimized, or how it could contribute to improved profits in the long run. An interesting jumping-off point…
The Many Dimensions of and Questions on VMware’s Telco Strategy
VMware came out with an announcement of their 5G Telco Cloud Platform, the latest step in the developing battle for all those carrier cloud applications. Their press release is a bit difficult to decode, but it’s worth taking the effort because the company is presenting what’s perhaps the last chance of network operators to take…
Operators Continue to Back Away from their Own Clouds
The service providers themselves may be giving carrier cloud its death blow, not tactically but strategically. In the last two months, operators worldwide have been shifting their thinking and planning decisively away from large-scale data center deployments. Carrier cloud deployments, which my model said could have generated a hundred thousand new data centers by 2030,…
What’s the Real Role of Virtual Network Infrastructure in New Services?
Does a true virtual network infrastructure promote new services? To make the question easier, can it promote new services better than traditional infrastructure? You hear that claim all the time, but the frequency with which a given statement is made doesn’t relate to its truth these days. Rather than try to synthesize the truth by…