One of the expected impacts of COVID is pressure on long-term capital projects. These pressures would tend to favor a shift toward various expense-based strategies to achieve the same overall goals, and in application hosting that would mean a shift from data center commitments to public cloud. As it happens, 2020 was already destined to…
Why Does Google Want to Retain Development Control of those Three Projects?
A piece in Protocol on Google’s desire to control some of its open-source projects’ directions made me wonder why Google was willing to release Kubernetes to the CNCF and wants to hold back control of the direction of Istio, Angular, and Gerrit. What do a service mesh, an application platform and a code review tool…
Can “Government Broadband” be Made to Work?
Are all government broadband initiatives doomed? After I commented a bit on Australia’s NBN as an example of why you can’t count on a form of nationalization to save broadband, I got additional material on Australia, as well as commentary from people involved in various government-linked broadband initiatives here in the US. I think the…
A Response to the “Accelerating Innovation in the Telecom Arena”
Nobody doubts that the telecom ecosystem is in need of more innovation. That’s why it’s a good sign that there’s a group of people working to promote just that. They’ve published a paper (available HERE) and they’re inviting comments, so I’m offering mine in this blog. Obviously, I invite the authors and anyone else to…
Does Nokia Really Have a New Switching Strategy for the Cloud?
The heart of a cloud is the data center, obviously. The heart of a cloud network is therefore a data center network, and as network equipment vendors struggle for profit growth, data center networking looks very promising. Given that, it’s not very surprising that Nokia is taking a position in the space. The question is…
Making the Best of Multi-Cloud
Just how good an idea is multi-cloud? If you follow the topic in online tech sites, you’d think that everyone was totally committed to multi-cloud, and that it was therefore the preferred approach. My own data, as I’ve noted in a prior blog, doesn’t agree with popular reports, and my own experience in hybrid and…
The Reality of Autonomous Behavior
Autonomous behavior is often cited as a 5G, low-latency, or edge computing application. That’s a vast oversimplification, in my view, and to understand why, we have to look at the way human reactions take place. That should be the model for autonomous behavior, and it will demonstrate just that could and should be done with…
An Example to Facilitate Understanding Service Models
I post my blogs on LinkedIn to provide a forum for discussion, and on my blog on ONAP and its issues, Paul-André Raymond posted an interesting insight: “There is something more easily understandable about Monolithic architecture. It takes an effort to for most people to appreciate a distributed solution.” I agree, and that made me…
The Future of the Cloud and Network is…
Things change in networking and the cloud, and a big part of the reason is that new concepts that were being tried by a few experts are now becoming part of the mass market. The mass market is different. Early adopters are typically firms that have deep technical resource pools, a situation that the typical…
Is ONAP Advancing or Digging a Deeper Hole?
The announcement of ONAP’s Frankfurt Release last month raised a lot of questions from my contacts and clients. There is no question that the release improves ONAP overall, but it still doesn’t change the underlying architecture of the platform. I’ve described ONAP as a “monolithic” model of zero-touch operations automation, and said that model is…