If calling a personal agent a “ghost companion” is fair, then it’s fair to say that adding artificial intelligence to our artificial companion could be a good idea. It’s also very likely that the concept of information fields could be enhanced through the application of AI. How much we could expect and how complicated these…
The Trusted Agent in Contextual Services
Contextualization has a lot of pieces, but the most obvious is the “contextualizer”, the trusted personal agent process that actually interacts with the information fields that contribute to context, and from them generates contextual results. This is the third blog in the series; the FIRST and SECOND should be read before you dive in here….
Context and “Information Fields”
This is the second piece of my series on contextualization, and it focuses on the implementation of the “information fields” concept that’s one of two key elements in my contextualization model. If you missed the first, it’s available HERE. The third blog in the series will cover the other key element, the trusted agent, and…
An Introduction to Contextualization
It is my view that contextualization is the most important issue in networking. If the history of advances in IT can be linked, as I believe, to bringing technology closer to consumers/workers, then the ultimate step is to make tech a participant in our lives. We’re seeing early initiatives in this direction with things like…
Inside the Most Critical Insight of Service Lifecycle Automation
I mentioned John Reilly, a TMF guru, in a prior blog, with a sad note at his passing. And speaking of notes, I took the time over the weekend to read my notes on our conversations. I was struck again by John’s insights, particularly when a lot of his points related to issues not yet…
Is the CNTT Backing Into a Useful Vision of Telecom Virtualization?
I did not attend the meeting of the Common NFVI Telco Task Force (CNTT) but I have spent a good bit of my day yesterday sorting through emails from those who did attend. Without revealing any confidences, it’s pretty clear to me that like many telecom virtualization debates, the CNTT stuff is demonstrating that we…
Fixing What’s Wrong with our IoT and 5G Goals
Can we capture innovation and reality at the same time? I said in an earlier blog that past IT spending waves had come along because we moved IT closer to the worker. That simple process has driven every one of our IT revolutions, raising the rate of IT spending growth by 40% over the five-decade…
More Signals the Hybrid Cloud is Driving Change
The hybrid cloud might be coming into its own. For over a year, it’s been clear that enterprises are finally getting their acts together on hybrid cloud, and cloud providers were starting to position more for enterprise adoption. This quarter, we’ve seen two players with the credentials to further expand the hybrid-cloud universe show signs…
Shedding the Hype and Realizing the Future
According to a Reuters article the other day, blockchain is a “shiny mirage”. The administrator of LinkedIn’s Carrier Ethernet group asked in a post on 5G “Who (which customer) exactly is clamoring for this And, how does it make sense, when 4G itself hasn’t been adequately monetized yet?” Why is it that over the last…
IBM Takes a Big Step Toward Cloud-Native
Everyone talks about cloud-native, but like the weather, nobody seems to be able to do much about it. In fact, the interest in the concept often seems so abstract that you could argue “cloud-native” is a state of mind. It’s not, of course, but clearly something is missing between the raising of the interest profile,…